| جدول الأفلام MBC 2 | |
| | كاتب الموضوع | رسالة |
the warrior's مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 445 تاريخ التسجيل : 10/09/2012
| موضوع: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الأربعاء مارس 09, 2016 5:24 am | |
| جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الأربعاء 09/03/2016 Dummy 03:30 توقيت مصر 04:30 توقيت السعودية Black Hawk Down كان الثالث من أكتوبر عام ألف وتسعمائة وتسعة وتسعون يوم كارثي في تاريخ الصومال، حيث ترسل مروحية أمريكية تقل مئة جندي للصومال لتدور معركة يخسر فيها الجانبان. Dummy 06:00 توقيت مصر 07:00 توقيت السعودية Benny & Joon علاقة فريدة بين بيني وشقيقته جون المعاقة ذهنياً، حيث ينذر بيني حياته لأخته التي تتعامل مع معطيات حياتها بصعوبة، حتى يدخل حياتهما وافد جديد يزعزع أحوالهما المستقرة. Dummy 07:45 توقيت مصر 08:45 توقيت السعودية Volcano بعد هزة أرضية ضعيفة في مدينة لوس أنجلوس، تبدأ الحمم البركانية في الاندفاع، وهو ما قد يؤدي إلى دمار المدينة. Dummy 09:30 توقيت مصر 10:30 توقيت السعودية The Day After Tomorrow تنفصل كتلة جليدية ضخمة من القارة القطبية الجنوبية وتتسبب في تغيرات مناخية شديدة ليبدأ عصر جليدي جديد، فيحاول عالم مناخ إنقاذ إبنه المحاصر في نيويورك. Dummy 11:45 توقيت مصر 12:45 توقيت السعودية Deep Blue Sea يعدل العلماء جينيا في أمخاخ أسماك القرش لإنتاج أسماك يمكن استخدامها لعلاج الزهايمر، ولكن النتيجة تكون إنتاج أسماك أكثر ذكاء وشراسة تنقلب على صناعها. Dummy 13:30 توقيت مصر 14:30 توقيت السعودية Chronicle قوة خارقة يكتسبها ثلاثة اصدقاء مراهقين، تمكنهم من تحريك الأشياء على بعد، عندما يتعرضون لأشعاع من جسم غريب تحت الأرض يمنحهم قدرات خارقة، ولكنها تضعهم في مأزق. Dummy 15:00 توقيت مصر 16:00 توقيت السعودية The Insider برنامج ترفيهي يومي يتناول أحدث الأخبار العالمية العاجلة، بعض المقابلات واللقاءات، ما وراء الكواليس، وآخر الأخبار عن الأفلام والسينما العالمية ونجومها. Dummy 15:30 توقيت مصر 16:30 توقيت السعودية Entertainment Tonight برنامج ترفيهي يومي يتناول أحدث الأخبار العالمية العاجلة، بعض المقابلات واللقاءات، ما وراء الكواليس، وآخر الأخبار عن الأفلام والسينما العالمية ونجومها. Dummy 16:00 توقيت مصر 17:00 توقيت السعودية Jumanji يلعب طفلان لعبة مسحورة فيطلقان سراح رجل محبوس بداخلها منذ عقود، ليواجهوا معا مجموعة كبيرة من الأخطار من أجل الانتهاء من اللعبة. Dummy 18:00 توقيت مصر 19:00 توقيت السعودية Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules مرة أخرى يصبح على الأخوين جريج هيفلى و أخيه الاكبر رودريك في الإجازة الصيفية التعامل مع محاولات الأبوين في التقريب بينهما، هل يستطيعان؟ Dummy 20:00 توقيت مصر 21:00 توقيت السعودية Accepted طالب لا يجد جامعة تقبله فيقرر إنشاء جامعة وهمية يقنع والديه بأنه قد التحق بها. Dummy 22:00 توقيت مصر 23:00 توقيت السعودية The Avengers يجب على أعتى أبطال الأرض أن يتحدوا معا، والعمل كفريق واحد لمواجهة جيش الشيتاوري لإنقاذ العالم والإنسانية من دمار شامل، ليصبح أعظم جيش في تاريخ البشرية. Dummy 00:30 توقيت مصر 01:30 توقيت السعودية Zombieland في الولايات المتحدة التي تحولت لمكان يمتلئ بالزومبي، يحاول أربعة أشخاص مختلفو الطباع أن يقطعوا رحلة معا للنجاة من العالم المخيف. | |
| | | the warrior's مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 445 تاريخ التسجيل : 10/09/2012
| موضوع: الخميس 10/03/2016 الخميس مارس 10, 2016 3:08 am | |
| الخميس 10/03/2016
02:00 توقيت مصر 03:00 توقيت السعودية The Happening تبدأ تصرفات غريبة في الظهور على سكان نيويورك بشكل مرضي انطلاقا من منتزه سنترال بارك، فيحاول المدرس إليوت مور وزوجته الاختباء حتى تعود الأمور لطبيعتها. Dummy 03:30 توقيت مصر 04:30 توقيت السعودية The Day After Tomorrow تنفصل كتلة جليدية ضخمة من القارة القطبية الجنوبية وتتسبب في تغيرات مناخية شديدة ليبدأ عصر جليدي جديد، فيحاول عالم مناخ إنقاذ إبنه المحاصر في نيويورك. Dummy 06:00 توقيت مصر 07:00 توقيت السعودية Fame داخل أروقة أكاديمية نيويورك للفنون نتابع حكاية مجموعة من الطلبة الحالمين بالشهرة والنجومية في عالم الفن والاستعراض، وما يتعرضون له من صعوبات نحو تحقيق الحلم. Dummy 07:45 توقيت مصر 08:45 توقيت السعودية Accepted طالب لا يجد جامعة تقبله فيقرر إنشاء جامعة وهمية يقنع والديه بأنه قد التحق بها. Dummy 10:00 توقيت مصر 11:00 توقيت السعودية Jumanji يلعب طفلان لعبة مسحورة فيطلقان سراح رجل محبوس بداخلها منذ عقود، ليواجهوا معا مجموعة كبيرة من الأخطار من أجل الانتهاء من اللعبة. Dummy 12:00 توقيت مصر 13:00 توقيت السعودية The Avengers يجب على أعتى أبطال الأرض أن يتحدوا معا، والعمل كفريق واحد لمواجهة جيش الشيتاوري لإنقاذ العالم والإنسانية من دمار شامل، ليصبح أعظم جيش في تاريخ البشرية. Dummy 14:30 توقيت مصر 15:30 توقيت السعودية The Insider برنامج ترفيهي يومي يتناول أحدث الأخبار العالمية العاجلة، بعض المقابلات واللقاءات، ما وراء الكواليس، وآخر الأخبار عن الأفلام والسينما العالمية ونجومها. Dummy 15:00 توقيت مصر 16:00 توقيت السعودية Entertainment Tonight برنامج ترفيهي يومي يتناول أحدث الأخبار العالمية العاجلة، بعض المقابلات واللقاءات، ما وراء الكواليس، وآخر الأخبار عن الأفلام والسينما العالمية ونجومها. Dummy 15:30 توقيت مصر 16:30 توقيت السعودية Last Action Hero رحلة خيالية يقوم بها الشاب اليافع داني ماديجان، حين يحصل من صديقه على تذكرة سحرية تمكنه من اختراق عالم سلاتر ممثل الخير في أفلام أرنولد شوارزنيجر. Dummy 17:30 توقيت مصر 18:30 توقيت السعودية U.S. Marshals يضطر العميل شريدان لقتل شخصين أثناء عملية في نيويورك ليجد المخابرات وراءه، وعندما يهرب منهم يكلف العميل المخضرم جيرارد بمطاردته. Dummy 20:00 توقيت مصر 21:00 توقيت السعودية The Chronicles of Riddick يصل ريديك المحكوم عليه الى كوكب يسمى برايم هيليوم ، ويجد نفسه في مواجهة امبراطورية غازِيَة تسمى"نكرومونجرز" الجيش الذي خطط لتحويل أو قتل كل البشر في الكون. Dummy 22:00 توقيت مصر 23:00 توقيت السعودية Batman Begins يرصد الفيلم ميلاد شخصية محارب الجريمة الغامض الرجل الوطواط على يد رجل الأعمال الشاب بروس واين الراغب في الانتقام من قتلة والديه. Dummy 00:30 توقيت مصر 01:30 توقيت السعودية A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors عودة الى أجواء الرعب والإثارة، مع كوابيس فريدي، ولكن هذه المرة تكتشف نانسي طومسون المعالجة النفسية، أن كريستين لديها قدرات قد تخلص الأطفال من فريدي الى الأبد. | |
| | | the warrior's مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 445 تاريخ التسجيل : 10/09/2012
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الجمعة مارس 11, 2016 6:01 am | |
| الجمعة 11/03/2016 02:00 توقيت مصر 03:00 توقيت السعودية Zombieland في الولايات المتحدة التي تحولت لمكان يمتلئ بالزومبي، يحاول أربعة أشخاص مختلفو الطباع أن يقطعوا رحلة معا للنجاة من العالم المخيف. Dummy 03:30 توقيت مصر 04:30 توقيت السعودية The Avengers يجب على أعتى أبطال الأرض أن يتحدوا معا، والعمل كفريق واحد لمواجهة جيش الشيتاوري لإنقاذ العالم والإنسانية من دمار شامل، ليصبح أعظم جيش في تاريخ البشرية. Dummy 06:00 توقيت مصر 07:00 توقيت السعودية A Cinderella Story تنقلب حياة سام رأسا على عقب بعد وفاة والدها واستغلال والدة أبيها لها، وتجد سلواها مع نوماد الذي تعرفت عليه عبر غرف المحادثة على الإنترنت. Dummy 07:30 توقيت مصر 08:30 توقيت السعودية U.S. Marshals يضطر العميل شريدان لقتل شخصين أثناء عملية في نيويورك ليجد المخابرات وراءه، وعندما يهرب منهم يكلف العميل المخضرم جيرارد بمطاردته. Dummy 10:00 توقيت مصر 11:00 توقيت السعودية Last Action Hero رحلة خيالية يقوم بها الشاب اليافع داني ماديجان، حين يحصل من صديقه على تذكرة سحرية تمكنه من اختراق عالم سلاتر ممثل الخير في أفلام أرنولد شوارزنيجر. Dummy 12:00 توقيت مصر 13:00 توقيت السعودية Batman Begins يرصد الفيلم ميلاد شخصية محارب الجريمة الغامض الرجل الوطواط على يد رجل الأعمال الشاب بروس واين الراغب في الانتقام من قتلة والديه. Dummy 14:30 توقيت مصر 15:30 توقيت السعودية The Insider برنامج ترفيهي يومي يتناول أحدث الأخبار العالمية العاجلة، بعض المقابلات واللقاءات، ما وراء الكواليس، وآخر الأخبار عن الأفلام والسينما العالمية ونجومها. Dummy 15:00 توقيت مصر 16:00 توقيت السعودية Entertainment Tonight برنامج ترفيهي يومي يتناول أحدث الأخبار العالمية العاجلة، بعض المقابلات واللقاءات، ما وراء الكواليس، وآخر الأخبار عن الأفلام والسينما العالمية ونجومها. Dummy 15:30 توقيت مصر 16:30 توقيت السعودية The Manchurian Candidate بعد حرب الخليج يلقي ماركو محاضرة تتسبب في حصول شو على شرف ضخم ومستقبل سياسي، لكنه يبدأ في الشك إذا ما كان شو يستحق الشرف. Dummy 17:30 توقيت مصر 18:30 توقيت السعودية Flight الطيار ويب يتعرض لخلل في الطائرة خلال رحلته الجوية المتجهه الى أتلانتا، ينتج عنه حادث تتحطم على اثره الطائرة، يحاول انقاذ الركاب، وتكشف التحقيقات عن شىء مقلق. Dummy 20:00 توقيت مصر 21:00 توقيت السعودية Argo تقوم الإستخبارات الأمريكية بعملية خطيرة لإنقاذ ستة أمريكيين في طهران، خلال أزمة الرهائن الأميركيين في إيران في عام 1980، و يُهرّب الرهائن تحت غطاء خطة مبتكرة. Dummy 22:30 توقيت مصر 23:30 توقيت السعودية 2 Fast 2 Furious بعد تركه الشرطة وانضمامه لعالم السباقات غير الشرعية، يعود بريان أوكونور مرة أخيرة في مهمة خطيرة لإيقاع بزعيم تجارة المخدرات. Dummy 00:30 توقيت مصر 01:30 توقيت السعودية Pain & Gain يتورط ثلاثي من كمال الاجسام بولاية فلوريدا في حلقة من الابتزاز ومخططات الاختطاف، الذي تذهب بهم الى عالم الجريمة، ولكن الى متى والى أي مدى ستنجح خططهم؟ | |
| | | azelhad12
عدد المساهمات : 667 تاريخ التسجيل : 19/09/2012
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الخميس نوفمبر 17, 2016 4:23 am | |
| Thursday Nov 17, 2016
The Bourne Ultimatum
Jason Bourne dodges a ruthless CIA official and his agents from a new assassination program while searching for the origins of his life as a trained killer.
04:30 EGYPT 05:30 KSA
Source Code
Decorated officer Captain Coller Stevens last remembers being in Afghanistan, yet wakes up on a Chicago commuter train 8 minutes before the train is bombed. When he wakes up in a pod after the explosion he’s told that he’s part of a government program called Source Code… Dummy
07:00 EGYPT 08:00 KSA
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
Sean Anderson partners with his mom's husband on a mission to find his grandfather, who is thought to be missing on a mythical island. Dummy
08:45 EGYPT 09:45 KSA
National Treasure
The founders of America hid a treasure and one man attempts to find it. National Treasure: Book of Secrets
11:00 EGYPT 12:00 KSA
National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Benjamin Gates must follow a clue left in John Wilkes Booth's diary to prove his ancestor's innocence in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Dummy
13:00 EGYPT 14:00 KSA
Night At The Museum
A museum's newly hired security guard discovers an entirely new world after hours. The Insider
15:00 EGYPT 16:00 KSA
The Insider
A spin-off of “Entertainment Tonight,” “The Insider” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on tabloid topics involving celebrities and Hollywood events. Entertainment Tonight
15:30 EGYPT 16:30 KSA
Entertainment Tonight
“Entertainment Tonight,” or more commonly, “ET,” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on Hollywood's hottest stories from the worlds of the rich and famous. It includes the latest events, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes “first looks” at the newest and greatest in the entertainment world. Dummy
16:00 EGYPT 17:00 KSA
The Mask
An average looking dreary bank clerk is transformed into a manic super-hero when he wears a mysterious mask. Dummy
18:00 EGYPT 19:00 KSA
The Dukes of Hazzard
The Dukes of Hazzard: Luke (Johnny Knoxville) and Bo (Seann William Scott) along with their trusty hotrod, The General Lee have returned from a twenty year television hiatus and reemerged on the big screen. Dummy
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
The Green Hornet
After the passing of his Father, Britt, will see himself banding with Kato his late dad’s assistant to become a masked vigilante. Invincible
22:00 EGYPT 23:00 KSA
Based on the story of Vince Papale, a 30-year-old bartender from South Philadelphia who overcame long odds to play for the NFL's Philadelphia Eagles in 1976. Dummy
00:00 EGYPT 01:00 KSA
The Silence of the Lambs
A young F.B.I. cadet must confide in an incarcerated and manipulative killer to receive his help on catching another serial killer who skins his victims. | |
| | | azelhad12
عدد المساهمات : 667 تاريخ التسجيل : 19/09/2012
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الخميس نوفمبر 17, 2016 4:25 am | |
| Friday Nov 18, 2016
Night At The Museum
A museum's newly hired security guard discovers an entirely new world after hours. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
04:45 EGYPT 05:45 KSA
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
Back in middle school after summer vacation, Greg Heffley and his older brother Rodrick must deal with their parents' misguided attempts to have them bond. Dummy
07:00 EGYPT 08:00 KSA
The Mask
An average looking dreary bank clerk is transformed into a manic super-hero when he wears a mysterious mask. Invincible
09:00 EGYPT 10:00 KSA
Based on the story of Vince Papale, a 30-year-old bartender from South Philadelphia who overcame long odds to play for the NFL's Philadelphia Eagles in 1976. Dummy
11:00 EGYPT 12:00 KSA
The Dukes of Hazzard
The Dukes of Hazzard: Luke (Johnny Knoxville) and Bo (Seann William Scott) along with their trusty hotrod, The General Lee have returned from a twenty year television hiatus and reemerged on the big screen. Dummy
13:00 EGYPT 14:00 KSA
The Green Hornet
After the passing of his Father, Britt, will see himself banding with Kato his late dad’s assistant to become a masked vigilante. The Insider
15:00 EGYPT 16:00 KSA
The Insider
A spin-off of “Entertainment Tonight,” “The Insider” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on tabloid topics involving celebrities and Hollywood events. Entertainment Tonight
15:30 EGYPT 16:30 KSA
Entertainment Tonight
“Entertainment Tonight,” or more commonly, “ET,” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on Hollywood's hottest stories from the worlds of the rich and famous. It includes the latest events, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes “first looks” at the newest and greatest in the entertainment world. Dummy
16:00 EGYPT 17:00 KSA
Murder at 1600
A detective struggles with the Secret Service to uncover a White House secretary's murder. Dummy
18:00 EGYPT 19:00 KSA
16 Blocks
An aging cop is assigned the ordinary task of escorting a fast-talking witness from police custody to a courthouse. Dummy
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
When the IMF gets implicated in an incident that caused bombing of the Kremlin, Ghost Protocol is called to dismantle the force. Dummy
22:30 EGYPT 23:30 KSA
Ocean's Thirteen
The Clooney crew, of the famous remake of the classic ‘Ocean’s Eleven’, come together for the third time, this time to go up against Al Pacino. When their friend Saul gets a heart attack because his partner cheated him out of his lifelong dream of owning a casino, Danny Ocean and his crew will be obliged to go to work… Dummy
00:30 EGYPT 01:30 KSA
Smokin' Aces
Joe Carnahan's 'shoot 'em up' bonanza for assassins revolves around Buddy "Aces" Israel, a Las Vegas magician who somehow grew chummy with mafia boss Sparazza. Now that the FBI have Buddy in a twist, his agent is brokering a deal, while the mob has unleashed an army of assassins to smoke "Aces" and retrieve his still beating heart... | |
| | | azelhad12
عدد المساهمات : 667 تاريخ التسجيل : 19/09/2012
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الخميس نوفمبر 17, 2016 4:27 am | |
| Saturday Nov 19, 2016
02:15 EGYPT 03:15 KSA
The Silence of the Lambs
A young F.B.I. cadet must confide in an incarcerated and manipulative killer to receive his help on catching another serial killer who skins his victims. Dummy
05:00 EGYPT 06:00 KSA
The Green Hornet
After the passing of his Father, Britt, will see himself banding with Kato his late dad’s assistant to become a masked vigilante. Dummy
07:00 EGYPT 08:00 KSA
16 Blocks
An aging cop is assigned the ordinary task of escorting a fast-talking witness from police custody to a courthouse. Dummy
09:00 EGYPT 10:00 KSA
Murder at 1600
A detective struggles with the Secret Service to uncover a White House secretary's murder. Dummy
11:00 EGYPT 12:00 KSA
Ocean's Thirteen
The Clooney crew, of the famous remake of the classic ‘Ocean’s Eleven’, come together for the third time, this time to go up against Al Pacino. When their friend Saul gets a heart attack because his partner cheated him out of his lifelong dream of owning a casino, Danny Ocean and his crew will be obliged to go to work… Dummy
13:00 EGYPT 14:00 KSA
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
When the IMF gets implicated in an incident that caused bombing of the Kremlin, Ghost Protocol is called to dismantle the force. The Insider
15:30 EGYPT 16:30 KSA
The Insider
A spin-off of “Entertainment Tonight,” “The Insider” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on tabloid topics involving celebrities and Hollywood events. Entertainment Tonight
16:00 EGYPT 17:00 KSA
Entertainment Tonight
“Entertainment Tonight,” or more commonly, “ET,” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on Hollywood's hottest stories from the worlds of the rich and famous. It includes the latest events, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes “first looks” at the newest and greatest in the entertainment world. The Shape of Things
16:30 EGYPT 17:30 KSA
The Shape of Things
Quiet, unassuming Adam is changing in a major way, thanks to his new girlfriend, art student Evelyn. Adam's friends are a little freaked by the transformation. Intolerable Cruelty
18:00 EGYPT 19:00 KSA
Intolerable Cruelty
A beautiful gold digger matches wits with a shrewd Beverly Hills divorce lawyer who is increasingly attracted to her. Dummy
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
Just Go with It
Scarred on his wedding night to discover his fiancée was sleeping with some other guy and was only marrying him for the security of his job as a doctor, for years Danny starts floating through relationships pretending to be the distraught, deceived husband- until one trip to Hawaii… Dummy
22:00 EGYPT 23:00 KSA
No Strings Attached
Life-long friends, Emma and Adam, concoct a very strange formula after they end up having sex one day- to engage in liaisons with none of the customary relationship characteristics, like; romance, jealousy, love… Dummy
00:00 EGYPT 01:00 KSA
Knocked Up
A gorgeous woman sleeps with a drunken geek who accidentally impregnates her. | |
| | | azelhad12
عدد المساهمات : 667 تاريخ التسجيل : 19/09/2012
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الخميس نوفمبر 17, 2016 4:28 am | |
| Sunday Nov 20, 2016
Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings
02:00 EGYPT 03:00 KSA
Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings
A group of college students gets lost in a storm during their snowmobiling trip, and takes shelter in an abandoned sanatorium, which is the home of deformed cannibals. Dummy
03:30 EGYPT 04:30 KSA
Smokin' Aces
Joe Carnahan's 'shoot 'em up' bonanza for assassins revolves around Buddy "Aces" Israel, a Las Vegas magician who somehow grew chummy with mafia boss Sparazza. Now that the FBI have Buddy in a twist, his agent is brokering a deal, while the mob has unleashed an army of assassins to smoke "Aces" and retrieve his still beating heart... Dummy
05:30 EGYPT 06:30 KSA
Murder at 1600
A detective struggles with the Secret Service to uncover a White House secretary's murder. Dummy
08:00 EGYPT 09:00 KSA
Win A Date With Tad Hamilton!
A small-town girl wins a date with a celebrity when the date goes better than expected, a love triangle forms. The Shape of Things
10:00 EGYPT 11:00 KSA
The Shape of Things
Quiet, unassuming Adam is changing in a major way, thanks to his new girlfriend, art student Evelyn. Adam's friends are a little freaked by the transformation. Dummy
11:30 EGYPT 12:30 KSA
Just Go with It
Scarred on his wedding night to discover his fiancée was sleeping with some other guy and was only marrying him for the security of his job as a doctor, for years Danny starts floating through relationships pretending to be the distraught, deceived husband- until one trip to Hawaii… Intolerable Cruelty
13:30 EGYPT 14:30 KSA
Intolerable Cruelty
A beautiful gold digger matches wits with a shrewd Beverly Hills divorce lawyer who is increasingly attracted to her. Air Force One
16:00 EGYPT 17:00 KSA
Air Force One
Hijackers seize the plane carrying the President of the United States and his family, but he - an ex-soldier - works from hiding to defeat them. Dummy
18:00 EGYPT 19:00 KSA
A medical engineer and an astronaut work together to survive after an accident leaves them adrift in space. Dummy
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
Scoop with Raya
The hottest news from Hollywood delivered to your living room. Solitary Man
20:30 EGYPT 21:30 KSA
Solitary Man
A car magnate watches his personal and professional life hit the skids because of his business and romantic indiscretions. Dummy
22:00 EGYPT 23:00 KSA
The Ides of March
An idealistic staffer for a new presidential candidate gets a crash course on dirty politics during his stint on the campaign trail. Dummy
00:00 EGYPT 01:00 KSA
The Wolfman
Upon his return to his hometown and ancestral birthplace, a man will attract an old curse that lurks within the darkness. Dummy
01:45 EGYPT 02:45 KSA
Knocked Up
A gorgeous woman sleeps with a drunken geek who accidentally impregnates her. | |
| | | Juan Carlos مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 252 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2015
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الأربعاء نوفمبر 23, 2016 5:07 am | |
| Wednesday Nov 23, 2016 Dummy
03:30 EGYPT 04:30 KSA
Max Payne
A cop's battle with an evil pharmaceutical company responsible for his wife's death. Dummy
05:30 EGYPT 06:30 KSA
The Avengers
Earth's mightiest heroes must come together and learn to fight as a team if they are to stop the mischievous Loki and his alien army from enslaving humanity. Dummy
09:00 EGYPT 10:00 KSA
Spy Game
Retiring CIA agent Nathan Muir recalls his training of Tom Bishop while working against agency politics to free him from his Chinese captors. Dummy
11:30 EGYPT 12:30 KSA
The Transporter
Frank Martin, is a professional ‘transporter’ of goods, no matter what obstacles may arise. He has 3 rules: ‘Never change the deal’, ‘No names’, and lastly, ‘Never open the package’… Dummy
13:00 EGYPT 14:00 KSA
Transporter 2
A child is kidnapped and poisoned, now Frank must rescue him and find an anecdote. The Insider
14:30 EGYPT 15:30 KSA
The Insider
A spin-off of “Entertainment Tonight,” “The Insider” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on tabloid topics involving celebrities and Hollywood events. Entertainment Tonight
15:00 EGYPT 16:00 KSA
Entertainment Tonight
“Entertainment Tonight,” or more commonly, “ET,” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on Hollywood's hottest stories from the worlds of the rich and famous. It includes the latest events, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes “first looks” at the newest and greatest in the entertainment world. Nanny McPhee & the Big Bang
15:30 EGYPT 16:30 KSA
Nanny McPhee & the Big Bang
Nanny McPhee arrives to help a harried young mother who is trying to run the family farm while her husband is away at war, though she uses her magic to teach the woman's children and their two spoiled cousins five new lessons. Dummy
17:30 EGYPT 18:30 KSA
Speed Racer
Tatsuo Yoshida’s classic 60s anime, Speed Racer, is brought back to life by visionary screenwriters/ producers/ directors Andy and Lana Wachowski. To save Mom and Pop’s Racer Motors, Speed has to race and win against Royalton on the track that claimed his brother’s life… Dummy
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
Man of Steel
Clark Kent, one of the last of an extinguished race disguised as an unremarkable human, is forced to reveal his identity when Earth is invaded by an army of survivors who threaten to bring the planet to the brink of destruction. Dummy
22:30 EGYPT 23:30 KSA
White House Down
While on a tour of the White House with his young daughter, a Capitol policeman springs into action to save his child and protect the president from a heavily armed group of paramilitary invaders. Dummy
00:30 EGYPT 01:30 KSA
Still grieving his wife and son, a detective gets involved in a seemingly simple situation, which soon reveals it’s sinister nature. | |
| | | Juan Carlos مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 252 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2015
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الأربعاء نوفمبر 23, 2016 5:09 am | |
| Thursday Nov 24, 2016 Dummy
02:15 EGYPT 03:15 KSA
Ex-CIA black-ops agent Frank Moses realizes he and his old team are in danger when a hit squad tries to take him out. He tries to rally together the surviving members of his team, starting with his old mentor Joe, then paranoid conspiracy theorist Marvin, and finally Victoria. Somehow the assassinations are a cover-up for a mission they completed in Guatemala in 1981 and linked to the current Vice President, but how? Dummy
04:15 EGYPT 05:15 KSA
Retired C.I.A. agent Frank Moses reunites his unlikely team of elite operatives for a global quest to track down a missing portable nuclear device. Dummy
07:00 EGYPT 08:00 KSA
Speed Racer
Tatsuo Yoshida’s classic 60s anime, Speed Racer, is brought back to life by visionary screenwriters/ producers/ directors Andy and Lana Wachowski. To save Mom and Pop’s Racer Motors, Speed has to race and win against Royalton on the track that claimed his brother’s life… Dummy
09:30 EGYPT 10:30 KSA
White House Down
While on a tour of the White House with his young daughter, a Capitol policeman springs into action to save his child and protect the president from a heavily armed group of paramilitary invaders. Dummy
12:00 EGYPT 13:00 KSA
Man of Steel
Clark Kent, one of the last of an extinguished race disguised as an unremarkable human, is forced to reveal his identity when Earth is invaded by an army of survivors who threaten to bring the planet to the brink of destruction. The Insider
14:30 EGYPT 15:30 KSA
The Insider
A spin-off of “Entertainment Tonight,” “The Insider” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on tabloid topics involving celebrities and Hollywood events. Entertainment Tonight
15:00 EGYPT 16:00 KSA
Entertainment Tonight
“Entertainment Tonight,” or more commonly, “ET,” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on Hollywood's hottest stories from the worlds of the rich and famous. It includes the latest events, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes “first looks” at the newest and greatest in the entertainment world. Dummy
15:30 EGYPT 16:30 KSA
The Last Boy Scout
A down and out cynical detective teams up with a down and out ex-quarterback to try and solve a murder case involving a pro football team and a politician. Dummy
17:30 EGYPT 18:30 KSA
The Island
A man goes on the run after he discovers that he is actually a clone being kept as a source of replacement parts. Dummy
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
Underworld: Awakening
A Vicious war is waged, between the Human race and clans of Vampires and Lycans Dummy
22:00 EGYPT 23:00 KSA
Any Given Sunday
Miami Sharks’ football team manager Tony D’Amato has to reevaluate his age-proven coaching tactics when his captain is knocked down and a relatively unknown player replaces him and lights up the field… Dummy
00:30 EGYPT 01:30 KSA
Hannibal Rising
After the death of his parents during World War II, young Hannibal Lecter moves in with his beautiful aunt and begins plotting revenge on the barbarians responsible for his sister's death. | |
| | | Juan Carlos مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 252 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2015
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الأربعاء نوفمبر 23, 2016 5:10 am | |
| Friday Nov 25, 2016
02:30 EGYPT 03:30 KSA
The Descent: Part 2
Refusing to believe her story about cave-dwelling monsters, the sole survivor of a spelunking exploration gone horribly wrong is forced to follow the authorities back into the caves where something awaits. Dummy
04:15 EGYPT 05:15 KSA
White House Down
While on a tour of the White House with his young daughter, a Capitol policeman springs into action to save his child and protect the president from a heavily armed group of paramilitary invaders. Nanny McPhee & the Big Bang
06:30 EGYPT 07:30 KSA
Nanny McPhee & the Big Bang
Nanny McPhee arrives to help a harried young mother who is trying to run the family farm while her husband is away at war, though she uses her magic to teach the woman's children and their two spoiled cousins five new lessons. Dummy
09:00 EGYPT 10:00 KSA
The Last Boy Scout
A down and out cynical detective teams up with a down and out ex-quarterback to try and solve a murder case involving a pro football team and a politician. Dummy
10:45 EGYPT 11:45 KSA
The Time Machine
When Alexander Hartdegen, a scientist, professor, and inventor in 1895 New York City who believes that time travel is possible, is faced with the unexpected death of his fiancé, he builds a time machine hoping to travel back in time and somehow alter events and save her. Failing to change the past he projects himself 800,000 years into the future where the world is divided into hunters and hunted... Dummy
12:45 EGYPT 13:45 KSA
The Island
A man goes on the run after he discovers that he is actually a clone being kept as a source of replacement parts. The Insider
15:00 EGYPT 16:00 KSA
The Insider
A spin-off of “Entertainment Tonight,” “The Insider” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on tabloid topics involving celebrities and Hollywood events. Entertainment Tonight
15:30 EGYPT 16:30 KSA
Entertainment Tonight
“Entertainment Tonight,” or more commonly, “ET,” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on Hollywood's hottest stories from the worlds of the rich and famous. It includes the latest events, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes “first looks” at the newest and greatest in the entertainment world. Dummy
16:00 EGYPT 17:00 KSA
The X Files: I Want to Believe
Mulder and Scully work alongside a psychic priest to locate a missing FBI agent. Dummy
18:00 EGYPT 19:00 KSA
Battle Los Angeles
A U.S. Marines Unit is the only hope left for earth in the face of an Alien invasion in this Sci-Fi War extravaganza. Dummy
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
Fast & Furious 6
Hobbs has Dominic and Brian reassemble their crew to take down a team of mercenaries: Dominic unexpectedly gets convoluted also facing his presumed deceased girlfriend, Letty. Rush Hour
22:00 EGYPT 23:00 KSA
Rush Hour
Two cops team up to get back a kidnapped daughter. Dummy
00:00 EGYPT 01:00 KSA
Law Abiding Citizen
When in the middle of a beautiful afternoon, two assailants, Darby and Ames, invade Clyde Alexander Shelton’s home, killing and raping his wife and little daughter as he lapsed in and out of consciousness, obviously he was less than thrilled when District Attorney Prosecutor Rice chose to deal with Darby and secure his testimony against Ames, instead of taking it to trial and risk his high conviction streak… Dummy
01:45 EGYPT 02:45 KSA
Any Given Sunday
Miami Sharks’ football team manager Tony D’Amato has to reevaluate his age-proven coaching tactics when his captain is knocked down and a relatively unknown player replaces him and lights up the field… | |
| | | Juan Carlos مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 252 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2015
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الأربعاء نوفمبر 23, 2016 5:12 am | |
| Saturday Nov 26, 2016
04:00 EGYPT 05:00 KSA
Underworld: Awakening
A Vicious war is waged, between the Human race and clans of Vampires and Lycans Dummy
05:30 EGYPT 06:30 KSA
The Time Machine
When Alexander Hartdegen, a scientist, professor, and inventor in 1895 New York City who believes that time travel is possible, is faced with the unexpected death of his fiancé, he builds a time machine hoping to travel back in time and somehow alter events and save her. Failing to change the past he projects himself 800,000 years into the future where the world is divided into hunters and hunted... Dummy
07:00 EGYPT 08:00 KSA
Battle Los Angeles
A U.S. Marines Unit is the only hope left for earth in the face of an Alien invasion in this Sci-Fi War extravaganza. Dummy
09:00 EGYPT 10:00 KSA
The X Files: I Want to Believe
Mulder and Scully work alongside a psychic priest to locate a missing FBI agent. Rush Hour
11:00 EGYPT 12:00 KSA
Rush Hour
Two cops team up to get back a kidnapped daughter. Dummy
13:00 EGYPT 14:00 KSA
Fast & Furious 6
Hobbs has Dominic and Brian reassemble their crew to take down a team of mercenaries: Dominic unexpectedly gets convoluted also facing his presumed deceased girlfriend, Letty. The Insider
15:00 EGYPT 16:00 KSA
The Insider
A spin-off of “Entertainment Tonight,” “The Insider” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on tabloid topics involving celebrities and Hollywood events. Entertainment Tonight
15:30 EGYPT 16:30 KSA
Entertainment Tonight
“Entertainment Tonight,” or more commonly, “ET,” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on Hollywood's hottest stories from the worlds of the rich and famous. It includes the latest events, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes “first looks” at the newest and greatest in the entertainment world. Dummy
16:00 EGYPT 17:00 KSA
The Wedding Singer
Robbie, the singer and Julia, the waitress are both engaged to be married but to the wrong people. Fortune intervenes to help them discover each other. Dummy
18:00 EGYPT 19:00 KSA
He's Just Not That Into You
A Baltimore-set, mosaic comedy film with several interconnected story lines dealing with the difficulties of human love connections. Alex & Eve
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
Alex & Eve
Alex, a Greek Orthodox schoolteacher, falls for Lebanese Muslim lawyer, Eve. The relationship is forbidden by both families, and thus the emotional dilemma of 'Alex and Eve' is created. Diana
22:30 EGYPT 23:30 KSA
During the last two years of her life, Princess Diana embarks on a final rite of passage: a secret love affair with Pakistani heart surgeon Hasnat Khan. Dummy
00:30 EGYPT 01:30 KSA
The Notebook
A poor but passionate young man falls madly in love with a rich young woman but they are soon separated by their social differences. | |
| | | Juan Carlos مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 252 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2015
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الأربعاء نوفمبر 23, 2016 5:13 am | |
| Sunday Nov 27, 2016
02:30 EGYPT 03:30 KSA
Law Abiding Citizen
When in the middle of a beautiful afternoon, two assailants, Darby and Ames, invade Clyde Alexander Shelton’s home, killing and raping his wife and little daughter as he lapsed in and out of consciousness, obviously he was less than thrilled when District Attorney Prosecutor Rice chose to deal with Darby and secure his testimony against Ames, instead of taking it to trial and risk his high conviction streak… Dummy
04:30 EGYPT 05:30 KSA
The X Files: I Want to Believe
Mulder and Scully work alongside a psychic priest to locate a missing FBI agent. Dummy
07:00 EGYPT 08:00 KSA
The Wedding Singer
Robbie, the singer and Julia, the waitress are both engaged to be married but to the wrong people. Fortune intervenes to help them discover each other. Alex & Eve
09:00 EGYPT 10:00 KSA
Alex & Eve
Alex, a Greek Orthodox schoolteacher, falls for Lebanese Muslim lawyer, Eve. The relationship is forbidden by both families, and thus the emotional dilemma of 'Alex and Eve' is created. Dummy
11:30 EGYPT 12:30 KSA
The Notebook
A poor but passionate young man falls madly in love with a rich young woman but they are soon separated by their social differences. Diana
13:45 EGYPT 14:45 KSA
During the last two years of her life, Princess Diana embarks on a final rite of passage: a secret love affair with Pakistani heart surgeon Hasnat Khan. Into the Blue
16:00 EGYPT 17:00 KSA
Into the Blue
A group of divers find themselves in deep trouble with a drug lord after they come upon the illicit cargo of a sunken airplane. Dummy
18:00 EGYPT 19:00 KSA
Blue Crush
A retired surfer takes another shot at fame and fortune. Dummy
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
Scoop with Raya
The hottest news from Hollywood delivered to your living room. Dummy
20:30 EGYPT 21:30 KSA
Terminator Salvation
A cyborg joins forces with John Connor to wage war against Skynet. Prometheus
22:30 EGYPT 23:30 KSA
Following clues to the origin of mankind a team journey across the universe and find a structure on a distant planet containing a monolithic statue of a humanoid head and stone cylinders of alien blood but they soon find they are not alone. An American Haunting
00:30 EGYPT 01:30 KSA
An American Haunting
Based on the true events of the only case in US History where a spirit caused the death of a man. | |
| | | Juan Carlos مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 252 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2015
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الأربعاء نوفمبر 23, 2016 5:15 am | |
| Monday Nov 28, 2016
Alex & Eve
02:00 EGYPT 03:00 KSA
Alex & Eve
Alex, a Greek Orthodox schoolteacher, falls for Lebanese Muslim lawyer, Eve. The relationship is forbidden by both families, and thus the emotional dilemma of 'Alex and Eve' is created. Diana
04:30 EGYPT 05:30 KSA
During the last two years of her life, Princess Diana embarks on a final rite of passage: a secret love affair with Pakistani heart surgeon Hasnat Khan. Dummy
07:00 EGYPT 08:00 KSA
He's Just Not That Into You
A Baltimore-set, mosaic comedy film with several interconnected story lines dealing with the difficulties of human love connections. Dummy
09:00 EGYPT 10:00 KSA
Scoop with Raya
The hottest news from Hollywood delivered to your living room. Dummy
09:45 EGYPT 10:45 KSA
Blue Crush
A retired surfer takes another shot at fame and fortune. Into the Blue
11:30 EGYPT 12:30 KSA
Into the Blue
A group of divers find themselves in deep trouble with a drug lord after they come upon the illicit cargo of a sunken airplane. Dummy
13:30 EGYPT 14:30 KSA
Terminator Salvation
A cyborg joins forces with John Connor to wage war against Skynet. Dummy
15:30 EGYPT 16:30 KSA
Scoop with Raya
The hottest news from Hollywood delivered to your living room. Dummy
16:00 EGYPT 17:00 KSA
The Day After Tomorrow
While expert Paleoclimatologist Jack Hall observes ice sheets being sheared off Antarctica, a number of weather-related disasters have the world’s population in fear that we may be entering a new Ice age. Meanwhile, Jack has to rescue his son from New York… Chronicle
18:00 EGYPT 19:00 KSA
Whilst attending a party, three high school friends gain superpowers after making an incredible discovery underground. Soon, though, they find their lives spinning out of control and their bond tested as they embrace their darker sides. Dummy
19:30 EGYPT 20:30 KSA
The Amazing Spider-Man
Peter Parker finds a clue that might help him understand why his parents disappeared when he was young. His path puts him on a collision course with his father's former partner, Dr. Curt Connors/The Lizard. Dummy
22:00 EGYPT 23:00 KSA
Insidious: Chapter 2
The Lamberts believe that they have defeated the spirits that have haunted their family, but they soon discover that evil is not beaten so easily. Dummy
00:00 EGYPT 01:00 KSA
V for Vendetta
A shadowy freedom fighter known only as "V" uses terrorist tactics to fight against his totalitarian society. Upon rescuing a girl from the secret police, he also finds his best chance at having an ally. | |
| | | Juan Carlos مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 252 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2015
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الأربعاء نوفمبر 23, 2016 5:17 am | |
| Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
An American Haunting
02:00 EGYPT 03:00 KSA
An American Haunting
Based on the true events of the only case in US History where a spirit caused the death of a man. Prometheus
03:30 EGYPT 04:30 KSA
Following clues to the origin of mankind a team journey across the universe and find a structure on a distant planet containing a monolithic statue of a humanoid head and stone cylinders of alien blood but they soon find they are not alone. Dummy
06:00 EGYPT 07:00 KSA
Terminator Salvation
A cyborg joins forces with John Connor to wage war against Skynet. Chronicle
08:30 EGYPT 09:30 KSA
Whilst attending a party, three high school friends gain superpowers after making an incredible discovery underground. Soon, though, they find their lives spinning out of control and their bond tested as they embrace their darker sides. Dummy
10:00 EGYPT 11:00 KSA
The Day After Tomorrow
While expert Paleoclimatologist Jack Hall observes ice sheets being sheared off Antarctica, a number of weather-related disasters have the world’s population in fear that we may be entering a new Ice age. Meanwhile, Jack has to rescue his son from New York… Dummy
12:00 EGYPT 13:00 KSA
The Amazing Spider-Man
Peter Parker finds a clue that might help him understand why his parents disappeared when he was young. His path puts him on a collision course with his father's former partner, Dr. Curt Connors/The Lizard. The Insider
14:30 EGYPT 15:30 KSA
The Insider
A spin-off of “Entertainment Tonight,” “The Insider” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on tabloid topics involving celebrities and Hollywood events. Entertainment Tonight
15:00 EGYPT 16:00 KSA
Entertainment Tonight
“Entertainment Tonight,” or more commonly, “ET,” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on Hollywood's hottest stories from the worlds of the rich and famous. It includes the latest events, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes “first looks” at the newest and greatest in the entertainment world. Dummy
15:30 EGYPT 16:30 KSA
A man learns something extraordinary about himself after a devastating accident. Dummy
17:30 EGYPT 18:30 KSA
The Matrix
A computer hacker discovers that humankind is entrapped inside a digitally generated alternate reality. Dummy
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
The Matrix Reloaded
Neo must battle an onslaught of machines bent upon destroying Zion. Dummy
22:30 EGYPT 23:30 KSA
The Matrix Revolutions
Everything that has a beginning has an end. The human city of Zion defends itself against the massive invasion of the machines as Neo fights to end the war at another end. Dummy
00:30 EGYPT 01:30 KSA
The Expendables 2
Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat. | |
| | | Juan Carlos مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 252 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2015
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الإثنين ديسمبر 12, 2016 4:53 am | |
| Monday Dec 12, 2016
Going the Distance
A romantic comedy centered on a guy and a gal who try to keep their love alive as they shuttle back and forth between New York and San Francisco to see one another. Playing for Keeps
04:15 EGYPT 05:15 KSA
Playing for Keeps
A former sports star who's fallen on hard times starts coaching his son's soccer team as a way to get his life together. His attempts to become an adult are met with challenges from the attractive soccer moms who pursue him at every turn. Dummy
06:00 EGYPT 07:00 KSA
Ever After: A Cinderella Story
Set in Renaissance-era France, the famous fairytale is treated as a historical fiction instead. Danielle lives with her widowed father, who soon remarries the Baroness Rodmilla who has 2 daughters the age of Danielle; Marguérite and Jacqueline. Danielle then encounters Prince Henry, yet the Baroness would like to marry him off to Marguérite. And it would have been so, had it not been for Leonardo Da Vinci's genius... Dummy
08:00 EGYPT 09:00 KSA
Scoop with Raya
The hottest news from Hollywood delivered to your living room. Soul Surfer
08:30 EGYPT 09:30 KSA
Soul Surfer
Teenage surfer Bethany Hamilton overcomes the odds and her own fears of returning to the water after losing her left arm in a shark attack. Dummy
10:30 EGYPT 11:30 KSA
47 Ronin
A band of samurai set out to avenge the death and dishonor of their master at the hands of a ruthless shogun. Dummy
12:30 EGYPT 13:30 KSA
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark become targets of the Capitol after their victory in the 74th Hunger Games sparks a rebellion in the Districts of Panem. Dummy
15:00 EGYPT 16:00 KSA
Scoop with Raya
The hottest news from Hollywood delivered to your living room. Glory Road
15:30 EGYPT 16:30 KSA
Glory Road
In 1966, Texas Western coach Don Haskins led the first all-black starting line-up for a college basketball team to the NCAA national championship. Dummy
17:30 EGYPT 18:30 KSA
A marine returning from Iraq, goes home to reconcile with his once abusive father and ask him to help in training him for the upcoming MMA super-prize tournament called Sparta. Little does he know that his older brother is to be entered into the tournament as an underdog. Will the family end up forgiving each other midst all the violence? A movie you don't want to miss! Dummy
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
Thor: The Dark World
When Dr Jane Foster gets cursed with a powerful object, Thor must protect it before an army and its ruthless leader try to get their hands on it to take over the remains of Earth. Dummy
22:00 EGYPT 23:00 KSA
The merciless 1970s rivalry between Formula One rivals James Hunt and Niki Lauda. The Place Beyond the Pines
00:30 EGYPT 01:30 KSA
The Place Beyond the Pines
A motorcycle stunt rider turns to robbing banks as a way to provide for his lover and their newborn child, a decision that puts him on a collision course with an ambitious rookie cop navigating a department ruled by a corrupt detective. | |
| | | Juan Carlos مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 252 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2015
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الإثنين ديسمبر 12, 2016 4:54 am | |
| Schedule
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
03:00 EGYPT 04:00 KSA
The Lost Boys
A kid's brother becomes a vampire, and he must save him before it's too late. Dummy
05:00 EGYPT 06:00 KSA
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark become targets of the Capitol after their victory in the 74th Hunger Games sparks a rebellion in the Districts of Panem. Dummy
08:00 EGYPT 09:00 KSA
A marine returning from Iraq, goes home to reconcile with his once abusive father and ask him to help in training him for the upcoming MMA super-prize tournament called Sparta. Little does he know that his older brother is to be entered into the tournament as an underdog. Will the family end up forgiving each other midst all the violence? A movie you don't want to miss! Dummy
10:45 EGYPT 11:45 KSA
The merciless 1970s rivalry between Formula One rivals James Hunt and Niki Lauda. Dummy
13:00 EGYPT 14:00 KSA
Thor: The Dark World
When Dr Jane Foster gets cursed with a powerful object, Thor must protect it before an army and its ruthless leader try to get their hands on it to take over the remains of Earth. The Insider
15:00 EGYPT 16:00 KSA
The Insider
A spin-off of “Entertainment Tonight,” “The Insider” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on tabloid topics involving celebrities and Hollywood events. Entertainment Tonight
15:30 EGYPT 16:30 KSA
Entertainment Tonight
“Entertainment Tonight,” or more commonly, “ET,” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on Hollywood's hottest stories from the worlds of the rich and famous. It includes the latest events, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes “first looks” at the newest and greatest in the entertainment world. Lions for Lambs
16:00 EGYPT 17:00 KSA
Lions for Lambs
Injuries sustained by two Army rangers behind enemy lines in Afghanistan set off a sequence of events involving a congressman, a journalist and a professor. Dummy
18:00 EGYPT 19:00 KSA
The International
An Interpol agent and a district attorney attempt to reveal an international bank's shady dealings. Dummy
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
Enemy of the State
A lawyer becomes a target by a corrupt politician and his NSA goons when he accidentally receives key evidence to a serious politically motivated crime. Dummy
22:30 EGYPT 23:30 KSA
G.I. Joe: Retaliation
The G.I. Joes are not only fighting their mortal enemy Cobra; they are forced to contend with threats from within the government that jeopardize their very existence. Dummy
00:30 EGYPT 01:30 KSA
A priest disobeys church law to track down the vampires who kidnapped his niece. | |
| | | Juan Carlos مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 252 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2015
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الإثنين ديسمبر 12, 2016 4:56 am | |
| Schedule
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016 The Place Beyond the Pines
02:00 EGYPT 03:00 KSA
The Place Beyond the Pines
A motorcycle stunt rider turns to robbing banks as a way to provide for his lover and their newborn child, a decision that puts him on a collision course with an ambitious rookie cop navigating a department ruled by a corrupt detective. Dummy
04:15 EGYPT 05:15 KSA
The merciless 1970s rivalry between Formula One rivals James Hunt and Niki Lauda. Glory Road
06:30 EGYPT 07:30 KSA
Glory Road
In 1966, Texas Western coach Don Haskins led the first all-black starting line-up for a college basketball team to the NCAA national championship. Dummy
09:00 EGYPT 10:00 KSA
The International
An Interpol agent and a district attorney attempt to reveal an international bank's shady dealings. Lions for Lambs
11:15 EGYPT 12:15 KSA
Lions for Lambs
Injuries sustained by two Army rangers behind enemy lines in Afghanistan set off a sequence of events involving a congressman, a journalist and a professor. Dummy
13:00 EGYPT 14:00 KSA
G.I. Joe: Retaliation
The G.I. Joes are not only fighting their mortal enemy Cobra; they are forced to contend with threats from within the government that jeopardize their very existence. The Insider
15:00 EGYPT 16:00 KSA
The Insider
A spin-off of “Entertainment Tonight,” “The Insider” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on tabloid topics involving celebrities and Hollywood events. Entertainment Tonight
15:30 EGYPT 16:30 KSA
Entertainment Tonight
“Entertainment Tonight,” or more commonly, “ET,” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on Hollywood's hottest stories from the worlds of the rich and famous. It includes the latest events, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes “first looks” at the newest and greatest in the entertainment world. Fun Size
16:00 EGYPT 17:00 KSA
Fun Size
Wren's Halloween plans go awry when she's made to babysit her brother, who disappears into a sea of trick-or-treaters. With her best friend and two nerds at her side, she needs to find her brother before her mom finds out he's missing. Dummy
18:00 EGYPT 19:00 KSA
Martian Child
A grieving widow and Sci-Fi writer, David, in considering adopting a Hyper-imaginative orphan who claims he is from Mars.
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
Fool's Gold
Off the coast of an island owned by criminal rapper, for years Finn and Tess have been hunting for a Spanish treasure that was lost at sea aboard the sunken ‘Aurelia’ in 1715. The hunt had frayed their finances and relationship; as they seem headed for a divorce. Yet Finn seems to think he’s finally found the Aurelia… Dummy
22:00 EGYPT 23:00 KSA
This Means War
Two top CIA operatives wage an epic battle against one another after they discover they are dating the same woman. Hit & Run
00:00 EGYPT 01:00 KSA
Hit & Run
Former getaway driver Charlie Bronson jeopardizes his Witness Protection Plan identity in order to help his girlfriend get to Los Angeles. The feds and Charlie's former gang chase them on the road. Dummy
01:30 EGYPT 02:30 KSA
Enemy of the State
A lawyer becomes a target by a corrupt politician and his NSA goons when he accidentally receives key evidence to a serious politically motivated crime. | |
| | | Juan Carlos مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 252 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2015
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الإثنين ديسمبر 12, 2016 4:59 am | |
| Schedule
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
03:45 EGYPT 04:45 KSA
A priest disobeys church law to track down the vampires who kidnapped his niece. Lions for Lambs
05:50 EGYPT 06:50 KSA
Lions for Lambs
Injuries sustained by two Army rangers behind enemy lines in Afghanistan set off a sequence of events involving a congressman, a journalist and a professor. Dummy
07:00 EGYPT 08:00 KSA
Martian Child
A grieving widow and Sci-Fi writer, David, in considering adopting a Hyper-imaginative orphan who claims he is from Mars.
Fun Size
09:00 EGYPT 10:00 KSA
Fun Size
Wren's Halloween plans go awry when she's made to babysit her brother, who disappears into a sea of trick-or-treaters. With her best friend and two nerds at her side, she needs to find her brother before her mom finds out he's missing. Dummy
10:30 EGYPT 11:30 KSA
Fool's Gold
Off the coast of an island owned by criminal rapper, for years Finn and Tess have been hunting for a Spanish treasure that was lost at sea aboard the sunken ‘Aurelia’ in 1715. The hunt had frayed their finances and relationship; as they seem headed for a divorce. Yet Finn seems to think he’s finally found the Aurelia… Hit & Run
12:30 EGYPT 13:30 KSA
Hit & Run
Former getaway driver Charlie Bronson jeopardizes his Witness Protection Plan identity in order to help his girlfriend get to Los Angeles. The feds and Charlie's former gang chase them on the road. Dummy
14:00 EGYPT 15:00 KSA
This Means War
Two top CIA operatives wage an epic battle against one another after they discover they are dating the same woman. The Insider
15:30 EGYPT 16:30 KSA
The Insider
A spin-off of “Entertainment Tonight,” “The Insider” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on tabloid topics involving celebrities and Hollywood events. Entertainment Tonight
16:00 EGYPT 17:00 KSA
Entertainment Tonight
“Entertainment Tonight,” or more commonly, “ET,” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on Hollywood's hottest stories from the worlds of the rich and famous. It includes the latest events, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes “first looks” at the newest and greatest in the entertainment world. Dummy
16:30 EGYPT 17:30 KSA
Our opinionated, self-absorbed tabby starts to miss his space and freedom when his owner Jon decides to add the simple-minded canine Odie to the family. Despite coming up with a brilliant plan to rid the household of Odie, Garfield’s guilty conscience means it’s time for a rescue plan… Dummy
18:00 EGYPT 19:00 KSA
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
An immortal sideshow performer has sold his daughter to the devil. Dummy
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
Kung Fu Panda
Welcome to the world of Po, he is a Panda who dreams about Kung Fu, somewhere in legendary China, where the most heroic heroes roamed, doing all sorts of things legends were made of. Dummy
22:00 EGYPT 23:00 KSA
Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay
The Misadventures of two potheads, on a cross-country quest to exonerate themselves after an unfortunate incident onboard a plan Dummy
00:00 EGYPT 01:00 KSA
Shoot 'Em Up
A late night encounter will see a man’s life take a very abrupt turn, in this Action packed Crime Comedy. Dummy
01:30 EGYPT 02:30 KSA
Fool's Gold
Off the coast of an island owned by criminal rapper, for years Finn and Tess have been hunting for a Spanish treasure that was lost at sea aboard the sunken ‘Aurelia’ in 1715. The hunt had frayed their finances and relationship; as they seem headed for a divorce. Yet Finn seems to think he’s finally found the Aurelia… | |
| | | Juan Carlos مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 252 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2015
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الإثنين ديسمبر 12, 2016 5:10 am | |
| Schedule
Friday Dec 16, 2016
03:30 EGYPT 04:30 KSA
U.S. Marshal Carrie Stetko tracks a killer in Antarctica, as the sun is about to set for six months. Hit & Run
06:00 EGYPT 07:00 KSA
Hit & Run
Former getaway driver Charlie Bronson jeopardizes his Witness Protection Plan identity in order to help his girlfriend get to Los Angeles. The feds and Charlie's former gang chase them on the road. Dummy
08:00 EGYPT 09:00 KSA
Our opinionated, self-absorbed tabby starts to miss his space and freedom when his owner Jon decides to add the simple-minded canine Odie to the family. Despite coming up with a brilliant plan to rid the household of Odie, Garfield’s guilty conscience means it’s time for a rescue plan… Dummy
09:30 EGYPT 10:30 KSA
Kung Fu Panda
Welcome to the world of Po, he is a Panda who dreams about Kung Fu, somewhere in legendary China, where the most heroic heroes roamed, doing all sorts of things legends were made of. Dummy
11:00 EGYPT 12:00 KSA
Beauty Shop
A determined hairstylist (Queen Latifah) competes with her former boss (Kevin Bacon) after opening her own business in Atlanta. Dummy
13:00 EGYPT 14:00 KSA
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
An immortal sideshow performer has sold his daughter to the devil. The Insider
15:00 EGYPT 16:00 KSA
The Insider
A spin-off of “Entertainment Tonight,” “The Insider” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on tabloid topics involving celebrities and Hollywood events. Entertainment Tonight
15:30 EGYPT 16:30 KSA
Entertainment Tonight
“Entertainment Tonight,” or more commonly, “ET,” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on Hollywood's hottest stories from the worlds of the rich and famous. It includes the latest events, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes “first looks” at the newest and greatest in the entertainment world. Dummy
16:00 EGYPT 17:00 KSA
The Marine
The Marine is an action film about a former marine chasing after a gang diamond thieves after they kidnapped his wife in a shootout. Stolen
17:30 EGYPT 18:30 KSA
A former thief frantically searches for his missing daughter, who has been kidnapped and locked in the trunk of a taxi. Dummy
19:30 EGYPT 20:30 KSA
The Bourne Legacy
An expansion of the universe from Robert Ludlum's novels, centered on a new hero whose stakes have been triggered by the events of the previous three films. Dummy
22:00 EGYPT 23:00 KSA
Batman Begins
The first of ‘The Dark Knight’ trilogy, Christopher Nolan, explains how certain events shaped the man known as Bruce Wayne to manifest the darker alter-ego- Batman. Witnessing his parents’ murder as a child he discards his past and ends up in a jail in Asia, where he is noticed by a recruiter and then trained in the mountains by a secret society with plans for his home town- Gotham city…
00:30 EGYPT 01:30 KSA
With no weapon other than pure courage, Arthur Poppington has had enough of a world he does not understand but knows is wrong- that’s why he moonlights as Defendor, a masked vigilante, out to set things right… | |
| | | Juan Carlos مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 252 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2015
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الإثنين ديسمبر 12, 2016 5:11 am | |
| Schedule
Saturday Dec 17, 2016
02:15 EGYPT 03:15 KSA
Shoot 'Em Up
A late night encounter will see a man’s life take a very abrupt turn, in this Action packed Crime Comedy. Dummy
03:30 EGYPT 04:30 KSA
Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay
The Misadventures of two potheads, on a cross-country quest to exonerate themselves after an unfortunate incident onboard a plan Dummy
05:00 EGYPT 06:00 KSA
Beauty Shop
A determined hairstylist (Queen Latifah) competes with her former boss (Kevin Bacon) after opening her own business in Atlanta. Dummy
07:00 EGYPT 08:00 KSA
With no weapon other than pure courage, Arthur Poppington has had enough of a world he does not understand but knows is wrong- that’s why he moonlights as Defendor, a masked vigilante, out to set things right… Stolen
08:45 EGYPT 09:45 KSA
A former thief frantically searches for his missing daughter, who has been kidnapped and locked in the trunk of a taxi. Dummy
10:30 EGYPT 11:30 KSA
Batman Begins
The first of ‘The Dark Knight’ trilogy, Christopher Nolan, explains how certain events shaped the man known as Bruce Wayne to manifest the darker alter-ego- Batman. Witnessing his parents’ murder as a child he discards his past and ends up in a jail in Asia, where he is noticed by a recruiter and then trained in the mountains by a secret society with plans for his home town- Gotham city…
12:45 EGYPT 13:45 KSA
The Bourne Legacy
An expansion of the universe from Robert Ludlum's novels, centered on a new hero whose stakes have been triggered by the events of the previous three films. The Insider
15:00 EGYPT 16:00 KSA
The Insider
A spin-off of “Entertainment Tonight,” “The Insider” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on tabloid topics involving celebrities and Hollywood events. Entertainment Tonight
15:30 EGYPT 16:30 KSA
Entertainment Tonight
“Entertainment Tonight,” or more commonly, “ET,” is a US-syndicated entertainment news program, reporting on Hollywood's hottest stories from the worlds of the rich and famous. It includes the latest events, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes “first looks” at the newest and greatest in the entertainment world. It's Kind of a Funny Story
16:00 EGYPT 17:00 KSA
It's Kind of a Funny Story
A clinically depressed teenager gets a new start after he checks himself into an adult psychiatric ward. Dummy
18:00 EGYPT 19:00 KSA
Sweet Home Alabama
A young woman from the south flees her abusive husband to New York for a new chapter in her life. Dummy
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
Intolerable Cruelty
A beautiful gold digger matches wits with a shrewd Beverly Hills divorce lawyer who is increasingly attracted to her. Dummy
22:00 EGYPT 23:00 KSA
Just Go with It
Scarred on his wedding night to discover his fiancée was sleeping with some other guy and was only marrying him for the security of his job as a doctor, for years Danny starts floating through relationships pretending to be the distraught, deceived husband- until one trip to Hawaii… When Harry Met Sally
00:00 EGYPT 01:00 KSA
When Harry Met Sally
Harry and Sally have known each other for years, and are very good friends, but they fear sex would ruin the friendship. Dummy
01:45 EGYPT 02:45 KSA
The Bourne Legacy
An expansion of the universe from Robert Ludlum's novels, centered on a new hero whose stakes have been triggered by the events of the previous three films. | |
| | | Juan Carlos مدير تنفيدي
عدد المساهمات : 252 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2015
| موضوع: رد: جدول الأفلام MBC 2 الإثنين ديسمبر 12, 2016 5:13 am | |
| Schedule
Sunday Dec 18, 2016
04:15 EGYPT 05:15 KSA
A former thief frantically searches for his missing daughter, who has been kidnapped and locked in the trunk of a taxi. Dummy
06:00 EGYPT 07:00 KSA
The Marine
The Marine is an action film about a former marine chasing after a gang diamond thieves after they kidnapped his wife in a shootout. Dummy
08:00 EGYPT 09:00 KSA
Sweet Home Alabama
A young woman from the south flees her abusive husband to New York for a new chapter in her life. It's Kind of a Funny Story
10:00 EGYPT 11:00 KSA
It's Kind of a Funny Story
A clinically depressed teenager gets a new start after he checks himself into an adult psychiatric ward. Dummy
12:00 EGYPT 13:00 KSA
Intolerable Cruelty
A beautiful gold digger matches wits with a shrewd Beverly Hills divorce lawyer who is increasingly attracted to her. Dummy
14:00 EGYPT 15:00 KSA
Just Go with It
Scarred on his wedding night to discover his fiancée was sleeping with some other guy and was only marrying him for the security of his job as a doctor, for years Danny starts floating through relationships pretending to be the distraught, deceived husband- until one trip to Hawaii… Dummy
16:00 EGYPT 17:00 KSA
The Secret Life of Bees
A teenager escapes her cruel father and runs away to the home of a group of female beekeepers where she learns about life. Save the Last Dance 2
18:00 EGYPT 19:00 KSA
Save the Last Dance 2
Sara joins Julliard in New York to fulfill her and her mother's dream of becoming the Prima ballerina of the school. Dummy
20:00 EGYPT 21:00 KSA
Scoop with Raya
The hottest news from Hollywood delivered to your living room. Dummy
20:30 EGYPT 21:30 KSA
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters
Hansel & Gretel are bounty hunters who track and kill witches all over the world. As the fabled Blood Moon approaches, the siblings encounter a new form of evil that might hold a secret to their past. Dummy
22:30 EGYPT 23:30 KSA
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
A reluctant hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, sets out to the Lonely Mountain with a spirited group of dwarves to reclaim their mountain home - and the gold within it - from the dragon Smaug. Dummy
01:30 EGYPT 02:30 KSA
Wolf Town
Kyle, a shy college student finds himself and three of his friends trapped in an old western ghost town by a pack of ferocious wolves and has to overcome his personal fears to confront the wolves and lead his friends to safety. | |
| | | | جدول الأفلام MBC 2 | |
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